Technical means and technical megacomplex appraisals
In the BOMIS® Professional Appraisers Coalition office you may enquire about appraisals, expert opinions, advice on technical means and technical megacomplex value. In order to provide you with a tailored service quotation, please, fill in the attached form and send it to
Leasing institutions and bank representatives on the grounds of cooperation agreements may commission services by the CRM.BOMIS® application.
Our Clients
Siemens Finance
Prokuratury Okręgowe
Phytopharm Klęka
Sądy Okręgowe
PKO Leasing
Kancelarie Komornicze
Metal Technologii
Boryszew Tenso
Związek Banków Polskich
Sądy Administracyjne
City Bank Handlowy
Politechnika Warszawska
BNP Paribas
Politechnika Wrocławska
Szpitale Kliniczne
Grupa Azoty
Administracja Skarbowa
Banki Spółdzielcze
Millenium Leasing
and many others...